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About Spurm

Spurm was born in 1991, during which time hip hop was still good, and Saturday morning cartoons still existed on regular television. at an early age he began creating "self made" dirty zines for his own masturbatory fodder. After honing his craft by studying The Snatch collection, Stanton, Kevin J Taylor, Manara, Tom of Finland, and many others, he felt he was ready to show his work to the world. After his parents death by a runaway Rhino in 2009, his only comfort was joining the Navy. Shortly after a tryst with several Petty Officers, a midget pornstar named Gaylord, and marijuana usage, he was promptly booted out. Backpacking in Europe gained him the knowledge of understanding the basics from the masters, (although he was more interested in the nudes.)

Spurm decided if he was going to do something he would create, zines, art, and or graphic novels, like he loved to create when he was younger. Allowing himself to express his suppressed sexual desire, as he is much to ugly to find a mate. JTW found him in a bar in downtown DC, cleaned him up, and decided to publish his work.


2010 - present

2010 - present

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